All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe

I use the same cleaner for the bathroom and kitchen, but I enjoy different scents for each one.

  • Save a jar to put lemon peels in. Any time you use a lemon, put the peel in the jar (think peanut butter or pasta sauce jars). Store the jar in the freezer. Once the jar is 1/2 to 3/4 full with lemon peels, add in white vinegar to cover the lemon peels. Store the mixture in a cabinet for 7 days or until the vinegar turns a dark shade of yellow.

  • Remove the lemon peels from the vinegar and compost them.

  • Pour equal amounts lemony vinegar and distilled or boiled and cooled water into your spray bottle.

  • Add 20 drops of essential oils. I enjoy orange & tea tree for the kitchen (10 drops each), and lavender & peppermint for the bathroom.

  • If you have any of the lemony vinegar left over, it makes a wonderful concentrated cleaner.